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The Curious Curator's Book Blog

Contemporary art curator. Student. Book addict. Art lover. Geek. Dreamer. Curious about everything. Check out my website http://thecuriouscurator.com/

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EarthBound (Boss Fight Books, #1)
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Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? Vol 1

Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? Vol 1 - Philip K. Dick

A graphic adaptation of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick, the novel that served as an inspiration for the movie Blade Runner. However, I wouldn't call this book a graphic novel, exactly; it feels more like an illustration in the style of a graphic novel. The difference is that there's a lot more text that appears to be lifted exactly from the book (I didn't check this, but it felt like everything was there, included the "He responded absently" after the dialog balloons). It's a bit distracting.


This adaptation seems to be particularly directed at those who have seen and loved the movie but who aren't aware of the original material. For me, having seen the movie and read the book, it didn't bring anything new. The artwork is ok, but very straightforward. I was expecting something more experimental and daring. The cover gallery at the end, however, is gorgeous, and I fell in love with the Collector's Paradise Exclusive by Scott Keating.


Overall, this is a nice read, but not unmissable if you've read the original novel.