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The Curious Curator's Book Blog

Contemporary art curator. Student. Book addict. Art lover. Geek. Dreamer. Curious about everything. Check out my website http://thecuriouscurator.com/

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The Art of 5th Cell by Joe Tringal and Edison Yan

The Art of 5th Cell - Edison Yan, 5th Cell

The Art of 5th Cell is a showcase for the company’s many unique games, including Scribblenauts, Lock’s Quest, and Drawn to Life, and the art that helps them come to life.

This book felt too short: I would have liked to see more writing about the process. There are comments sprinkled throughout that act like glimpses, but I would have liked to know more about the creative process that goes into creating artwork that perfectly fits games.

Still, this is a book with gorgeous illustrations and revealing works-in-progress, as well as concept art and promotional materials. I almost wish I had seen it in person before downloading the digital edition, because this certainly looks like a book that you want to physically hold in your hands to lose yourself in the details of the art.


Note: I got this book for review purposes through NetGalley.